Undergraduate Course
We are a community of young and energetic students and enthusiastic experienced staff dedicated to bringing out the very best in all of our members in friendly atmosphere. We strongly believe that providing the finest possible environment for studying and research in the laboratories will produce graduates who are able to pursue a professional career.
Our laboratories introduce, as a part of research curriculum, seminars every week during the third and fourth year of their Bachelor’s study. At the seminars, the students present topics of research literature and papers on their interesting subjects, the actual progress of their developing software and investigation reports etc., for discussion and advice. With full background reading research and preparation for lessons and course work, our seminar sessions can often be heated up towards to fruitful discussion. Staff and students of Sugawara Lab. I and II occasionally work together on the shared projects, which lead to an excellent idea of the former feeding into the latter. Our off-campus curriculum of visiting industry, commerce or welfare centers also develop the ability of understanding the actual situations and problems, which enhances value to their studies.
Software Design Lab.
The course offers a broader framework of creative software designing exclusively for various fields of public needs such as social welfare. The research and education are widely covered from setting up the criteria, constructing and implementing, practical applications in industries with maintenance up to evaluation of effectiveness of the software.
Seminars give you the opportunity to discuss topics covered in lectures in more detail and students are expected to take part in classes and will work together to prepare topics for discussion. These firmly advocate excellence in studying, excellence in research and excellence in harmony.
Management Information Systems Lab.
This course helps to bring up future professionals who acquire and strengthen management of marketing, production, distribution and finance in order to promote an ever evolving higher information-oriented society, and who are able to actuate the development and maintenance to support information systems. Furthermore, an educational emphasis is also placed on the practical applications of the system’s approach to meet the changes in a management environment.
Postgraduate Course – Master’s & Ph D Programs
The seminars for postgraduates are also held on regular basis. In addition to these seminars and lectures on curriculum, the students devote their entire time to their own research. The opportunities in giving research presentations at related international and domestic academic conferences or workshops are offered to those students after receiving numerous lectures and discussions, and having completed experimental researches on the chosen subjects. Both laboratories are happy to help to provide professional experience that is invaluable to a future career.
Related Academic Societies & Conferences
- International Symposium on Logistics (ISL)
- International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE)
- Computers & Industrial Engineering (C & IE)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
- Japan Industrial Management Association (JIMA)
- The Japan Society of Logistics Systems (JSLS)
- The Japan Society for Management Information (JASMIN)
- Japan Information-Culture Society (JICS)
- The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
Typical Topic Areas
- Text Processing
- Management Science
- Production Information System
- Decision-Making System
- Logistics System
- Supply Chain Management